
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
D.U.G.S. Holiday Special 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
This episode is brought to you by the fans.
Subscribe to D.U.G.S. wherever you subscribe to podcasts
Check out our new website over at davescorneroftheuniverse.com
All Episodes are archived at PGttCM.COM
Created and Written by David HeathProduced and edited by DB SpitzerPortions of the show not reordered in an Illuminati base under a a goat farm , were recorded at Badger's Drift Studios
The part of farmer Dave was played by David Heath
The part of Dr Pinky Tuscedero was played by Cid Smith
The part of the Computer was played by DB Spitzer
The Part of Holographic Robert E Howard was played by Derek M Koch
The fiction portion was The Night Before Robert E Howard Christmas written by David Heath and Read by Russell Whitaker
The part of the Computer was played by DB SpitzerThe Part of Holographic Robert E Howard was played by Derek M Koch
The fiction portion was The Night Before Robert E Howard Christmas written by David Heath and Read by Russell Whitaker
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
The Complex, Ghost Story, & Who likes to party by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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Sunday Dec 22, 2019
bcat 338- THE SEA-WOLF 13
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
December is Jack London!
Podcast Schedule(bcat/pgttcm):
Jan- REH/Tcho-Tcho's
Feb- Jules Verne/Nephrem-Ka
Mar- Kenneth Grahame/The Shaggai
Apr- Washington Irving/Averoigne
May- L. Frank Baum/Ghouls
June- Ambrose Bierce/Glaaki
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
The Sea Wolf 18, The Sea Wolf 19, The Sea Wolf 20
The Sea Wolf 21, The Sea Wolf 22, The Sea Wolf 23, The Sea Wolf 24
The Sea Wolf 25, The Sea Wolf 26
The Sea Wolf 27, The Sea Wolf 28, The Sea Wolf 29
The Sea Wolf 30, The Sea Wolf 31, The Sea Wolf 32
The Sea Wolf 33, The Sea Wolf 34, The Sea Wolf 35
The Sea Wolf 36, The Sea Wolf 37
The Sea Wolf 38, The Sea Wolf 39
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
Saturday Dec 21, 2019
December is Jack London!
Podcast Schedule(bcat/pgttcm):
Jan- REH/Tcho-Tcho's
Feb- Jules Verne/Nephrem-Ka
Mar- Kenneth Grahame/The Shaggai
Apr- Washington Irving/Averoigne
May- L. Frank Baum/Ghouls
June- Ambrose Bierce/Glaaki
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
The Sea Wolf 18, The Sea Wolf 19, The Sea Wolf 20
The Sea Wolf 21, The Sea Wolf 22, The Sea Wolf 23, The Sea Wolf 24
The Sea Wolf 25, The Sea Wolf 26
The Sea Wolf 27, The Sea Wolf 28, The Sea Wolf 29
The Sea Wolf 30, The Sea Wolf 31, The Sea Wolf 32
The Sea Wolf 33, The Sea Wolf 34, The Sea Wolf 35
The Sea Wolf 36, The Sea Wolf 37
The Sea Wolf 38, The Sea Wolf 39
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
December is Jack London!
Podcast Schedule(bcat/pgttcm):
Jan- REH/Tcho-Tcho's
Feb- Jules Verne/Nephrem-Ka
Mar- Kenneth Grahame/The Shaggai
Apr- Washington Irving/Averoigne
May- L. Frank Baum/Ghouls
June- Ambrose Bierce/Glaaki
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
The Sea Wolf 18, The Sea Wolf 19, The Sea Wolf 20
The Sea Wolf 21, The Sea Wolf 22, The Sea Wolf 23, The Sea Wolf 24
The Sea Wolf 25, The Sea Wolf 26
The Sea Wolf 27, The Sea Wolf 28, The Sea Wolf 29
The Sea Wolf 30, The Sea Wolf 31, The Sea Wolf 32
The Sea Wolf 33, The Sea Wolf 34, The Sea Wolf 35
The Sea Wolf 36, The Sea Wolf 37
The Sea Wolf 38, The Sea Wolf 39
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
December is Jack London!
Podcast Schedule(bcat/pgttcm):
Jan- REH/Tcho-Tcho's
Feb- Jules Verne/Nephrem-Ka
Mar- Kenneth Grahame/The Shaggai
Apr- Washington Irving/Averoigne
May- L. Frank Baum/Ghouls
June- Ambrose Bierce/Glaaki
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
The Sea Wolf 18, The Sea Wolf 19, The Sea Wolf 20
The Sea Wolf 21, The Sea Wolf 22, The Sea Wolf 23, The Sea Wolf 24
The Sea Wolf 25, The Sea Wolf 26
The Sea Wolf 27, The Sea Wolf 28, The Sea Wolf 29
The Sea Wolf 30, The Sea Wolf 31, The Sea Wolf 32
The Sea Wolf 33, The Sea Wolf 34, The Sea Wolf 35
The Sea Wolf 36, The Sea Wolf 37
The Sea Wolf 38, The Sea Wolf 39
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
December is Jack London!
Podcast Schedule(bcat/pgttcm):
Jan- REH/Tcho-Tcho's
Feb- Jules Verne/Nephrem-Ka
Mar- Kenneth Grahame/The Shaggai
Apr- Washington Irving/Averoigne
May- L. Frank Baum/Ghouls
June- Ambrose Bierce/Glaaki
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
The Sea Wolf 18, The Sea Wolf 19, The Sea Wolf 20
The Sea Wolf 21, The Sea Wolf 22, The Sea Wolf 23, The Sea Wolf 24
The Sea Wolf 25, The Sea Wolf 26
The Sea Wolf 27, The Sea Wolf 28, The Sea Wolf 29
The Sea Wolf 30, The Sea Wolf 31, The Sea Wolf 32
The Sea Wolf 33, The Sea Wolf 34, The Sea Wolf 35
The Sea Wolf 36, The Sea Wolf 37
The Sea Wolf 38, The Sea Wolf 39
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Black Clock Audio Tales/People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos: Audio Books, Science Fiction, Folklore, Gothic Literature, Classic Horror, Weird Fiction, Lovecraft & Lovecraftiana
A daily spooky, folklore, gothic horror, sci-fi, fantasy, weird fiction, ct...
Subscribe with RSS
bcat 332-The Seawolf 7
December is Jack London!
Podcast Schedule(bcat/pgttcm):
Jan- REH/Tcho-Tcho's
Feb- Jules Verne/Nephrem-Ka
Mar- Kenneth Grahame/The Shaggai
Apr- Washington Irving/Averoigne
May- L. Frank Baum/Ghouls
June- Ambrose Bierce/Glaaki
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
The Sea Wolf 18, The Sea Wolf 19, The Sea Wolf 20
The Sea Wolf 21, The Sea Wolf 22, The Sea Wolf 23, The Sea Wolf 24
The Sea Wolf 25, The Sea Wolf 26
The Sea Wolf 27, The Sea Wolf 28, The Sea Wolf 29
The Sea Wolf 30, The Sea Wolf 31, The Sea Wolf 32
The Sea Wolf 33, The Sea Wolf 34, The Sea Wolf 35
The Sea Wolf 36, The Sea Wolf 37
The Sea Wolf 38, The Sea Wolf 39
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Monday Dec 16, 2019
bcat 332-The Seawolf 7
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
December is Jack London!
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
bcat 331: The Seawolf 6
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
December is Jack London!
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Black Clock Audio Tales CCCXXX: The Seawolf 5
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
December is Jack London!
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson”and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.comThree new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCMand youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Friday Dec 13, 2019
bcat329-The Seawolf 4
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
December is Jack London!
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson” and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com Three new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCM and youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
bcat328-The Sewolf 3
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
December is Jack London!
The Iron Heel Preface, The Iron Heel 1
The Iron Heel 2, The Iron Heel 3
The Iron Heel 4, The Iron Heel 5
The Iron Heel 6, The Iron Heel 7, The Iron Heel 8
The Iron Heel 9, The Iron Heel 10
The Iron Heel 11, The Iron Heel 12, The Iron Heel 13
The Iron Heel 14, The Iron Heel 15, The Iron Heel 16
The Iron Heel 17, The Iron Heel 18, The Iron Heel 19
The Iron Heel 20, The Iron Heel 21, The Iron Heel 22
The Iron Heel 23, The Iron Heel 24, The Iron Heel 25
The Sea Wolf 1, The Sea Wolf 2
The Sea Wolf 3, The Sea Wolf 4
The Sea Wolf 5, The Sea Wolf 6
The Sea Wolf 7, The Sea Wolf 8, The Sea Wolf 9
The Sea Wolf 10, The Sea Wolf 11, The Sea Wolf 12
The Sea Wolf 13, The Sea Wolf 14, The Sea Wolf 15
The Sea Wolf 16, The Sea Wolf 17
Listen to “Articulated Warbling with Zak Ferguson” and check out Zak’s books w/ this link https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AZak+Ferguson&s=relevancerank&text=Zak+Ferguson&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
This episode is brought to you by www.bunnyslippers.com
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher. Also on GooglePlay
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com Three new shirts, new Zak shirt! Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Remember to listen to Dave's Corner of this podcast, and check out his website over at Davescorneroftheuniverse.com
Follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram at PGttCM and youtube at “Black Clock Audio” and listen to Black Clock Audio Tales, our daily podcast about spooky stories, stories of the gothic tradition, folklore, and more.
Produced and Edited by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in Portland, Oregon.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com
Ice Demon, The Chamber by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License