
Friday Jul 12, 2019
BCAT 169: Bierce 12
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Thursday Jul 11, 2019
BCAT 168: Bierce 11
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Black Clock Audio Tales 167: Bierce X read by David Heath
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
July 10thAmbrose Bierce'sRead by David Heath
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
BCAT 166: Bierce 9
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Monday Jul 08, 2019
BCAT 165: Ambrose Bierce 8
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
bcat 164: bierce seven
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
BCAT 163: Bierce 6
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Friday Jul 05, 2019
BCAT 162: Bierce V
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
BCAT 161: Bierce 4
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
July 4th, 2019Ambrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
JulyAmbrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.comI’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure.
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English
01110111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100101 0001010

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
BCAT 159: Bierce 2
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
July Ambrose Bierce
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ That’s R A M I U N G A R the writer.com I’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure. Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.com and @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron. We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Black Clock Audio Tales 158: Ambrose Bierce 1
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
July Ambrose Bierce
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Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Also Join us later this month when we talk to writer Rami Ungar about his new novel “ROSE”, available from amazon. Link in the show notes. Or check out his blog at https://ramiungarthewriter.com/ I’ve read the book, I really liked it, it should be made into Manga for sure. Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.com and @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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Next Month is August Derleth, send us your mythos stories
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English