
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019

Monday Aug 26, 2019
People's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos 905/107: Rhan-Tegoth
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
905 End of season 9
Fully ten feet high despite a shambling, crouching attitude expressive of infinite cosmic malignancy, a monstrosity of unbelievable horror was shewn starting forward from a Cyclopean ivory throne covered with grotesque carvings. In the central pair of its six legs it bore a crushed, flattened, distorted, bloodless thing, riddled with a million punctures, and in places seared as with some pungent acid. Only the mangled head of the victim, lolling upside down at one side, revealed that it represented something once human.
The monster itself needed no title for one who had seen a certain hellish photograph. That damnable print had been all too faithful; yet it could not carry the full horror which lay in the gigantic actuality. The globular torso—the bubble-like suggestion of a head—the three fishy eyes—the foot-long proboscis—the bulging gills—the monstrous capillation of asp-like suckers—the six sinuous limbs with their black paws and crab-like claws—God! the familiarity of that black paw ending in a crab-like claw! . . .
RAN Tug oth
The Poetry of Donald Wandrei
This episode is brought to you by bunny slippers dot comj
Subscribe to PGttCM with DB Spitzer and Sara Fee wherever you subscribe to podcasts, we use podbean and apple podcasts some folks use stitcher.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com Two new shirts, Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt.
Follow us on twitter, and instagram at PGttCM and facebook & youtube at “People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos”
Written and Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Audio by Sara Fee and Daniel Spitzer
Music by DB Spitzer
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Support the show by hitting the patron button at PGttCM.podbean.com or by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm.
Recorded at Badger's Drift Studio in glorious North Portland, Oregon.
Want to eat snacks, drink beer and be on a podcast?
Go to PGttCM.com and click welcome to Portland to find out more.
Excepting group as large as 4 currently. Learn the basics of brewing, charcuterie, podcasting, and more.
Want to advertise with Black Clock? Pgttcm.com/contact to find out more.
"The Horror in the Museum" is a short story ghostwritten by H. P. Lovecraft for Somerville, MA writer Hazel Heald in October 1932, published in 1933. It is one of five stories Lovecraft revised for Heald. The story has been reprinted in several collections, such as The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions The tale concerns the relationship between Stephen Jones and George Rogers, the owner of a private wax museum specialising in the grotesque. Initially cordial, it degenerates as Jones first mocks Rogers then comes to suspect that he is demented with his "wild tales and suggestions of rites and sacrifices to nameless elder gods". Jones takes up Rogers's standing offer to spend a night in the museum and is attacked by his host, who is in turn killed by the entity Rhan-Tegoth that he has been making sacrifices to, and ends up becoming part of the displays. We cover this story in the third season.
Rhan-Tegoth is an amphibious ape and insect like Great Old One featured in H.P. Lovecraft's "The Horror in the Museum." It has a large globular torso with six limbs ending in crab like claws. Atop it is a sphere like head with three eyes and a foot long trunk. It also has gills. The Rhan-Tegoth is also covered with small tentacles over most of its body. It came from Yuggoth and is probably related to or a child of Shub-Niggurath, the Goat with a Thousand Young.
It kills its sacrifices by half crushing them and puncturing them with its tentacles. It then sucks away the face
Rhan-Tegoth at one time lived in a massive temple in the northern areas of the Arctic. A huge staircase of non human size reached down three levels to a large room where Rhan-Tegoth sat on a large Ivory Throne. There he was fed prehuman sacrifices by unknown entities over three million years ago. Without the sacrifices the thing goes into a deep sleep that only more sacrifices can break.
Somehow the long ritual in the eighth Nuh-cot-ick Manuscripts gives some clue as how to discover this temple.
We had audio of Ken Hite, But Mea Culpa. Due to operator malfunction I lost a huge chunk of audio that I haven’t been able to recover. We’ll get ken talking about Rhan-Tegoth and other frosty monsters next month.
Donald Wandrei
Ken Hite
End banter
Thanks for listening everyone.
Keep it Squiggly and stay weird.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Check out new PGttCM merch over at PGttCM.threadless.com Two new shirts, Check out our RAT FINK inspired Tsathoggua shirt, and our new “Join A Cult” shirt. Donate some coin, caps, credits, or whatever flat currency from your fav scifi/fantasy setting to paypal.me/pgttcm
Money helps keep the show going, and your name on the show in the credits.
Also message me on facebook so I know about it, Im just one person running this podcast stream.
Thank you for listening for the last four years, the show is now what I want it to be. See you in series 10.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
BCAT Special #13: Brian Psiropoulos talks about Carmilla
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Listen to Brian P talk about Carmilla today!Carmilla is an 1872 Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla.
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm
Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcast
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgCnwUkqMa7D94gWDmwfHA
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by DB Spitzer
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Mea Culpa Dave, i used the wrong intro and outro. Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Special thanks to all my gusts this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited and Produced by Daniel Spitzer
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioIn sexy N. Portland
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Saturday Aug 24, 2019
BCAT 226: Carmilla 6
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Saturday Aug 24, 2019
Carmilla is an 1872 Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla.
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm
Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcast
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgCnwUkqMa7D94gWDmwfHA
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by DB Spitzer
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Friday Aug 23, 2019
Black Clock Audio Tales 205: Carmilla V
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Carmilla is an 1872 Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla.
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm
Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcast
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgCnwUkqMa7D94gWDmwfHA
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by DB Spitzer
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
BCAT 204: Carmilla 4
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Carmilla is an 1872 Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla.
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm
Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcast
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgCnwUkqMa7D94gWDmwfHA
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by DB Spitzer
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
BCAT Special #12: Andrew Migliore & Clark Ashton Smith's 'The Last Incantation'
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
The Last Incantation is an independent short film (approximately 20 minutes long) based on the short story by Clark Ashton Smith. The film has been shot but we are looking for post-production funds to finish the film and submit the film to film festivals and other venues. With your help, we hope that The Last Incantation will be the first in a whole line of Weird Tale and Cosmic Horror film adaptations.Today we talk to Andrew Migliore about an upcoming kickstarter and the HPLFF & Cthulhucon.After we turned off the mic Andrew Migliore and I had more beer and and talked nerd stuff. Definitely welcome back on the show.
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm
Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcast
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgCnwUkqMa7D94gWDmwfHA
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by DB Spitzer
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
BCAT 203: Carmilla 3
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Carmilla is an 1872 Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla.
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm
Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcast
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpgCnwUkqMa7D94gWDmwfHA
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by DB Spitzer
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Monday Aug 19, 2019
BCAT 202: Carmilla 2
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Carmilla is an 1872 Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla.
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm
Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.comand @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift StudioMusic by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron.We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Sunday Aug 18, 2019
BCAT 201: Carmilla 1
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Carmilla is an 1872 Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) by 26 years. First published as a serial in The Dark Blue (1871–72), the story is narrated by a young woman preyed upon by a female vampire named Carmilla.
Brought to you by Bunnyslippers.com, check out there brand new Dino sound slippers!
• Slippers make a roaring sound every three steps
• Made with green "scaly" fabric, soft plush uppers, foam footbeds, non-slip grips on soles, and three white claws on each foot
• One size fits most, up to a Women's 10.5 / Men's 9. Footbed measures 10.5"
Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
Look for our podcast wherever you find your podcasts, we suggest pod bean or apple podcasts
Find us on the web at PGttCM.com and @Blackclockaudio on Instagram, twitter, and facebook
And Black Clock Audio Tales on youtube
Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Help support the show and keeping it paywall free by going to PayPal.me/pgttcm and donate a buck or 5, or pgttcm.podbean.com and become a patron. We’ll never ask you for your info, or ask you to fill out a survey, or just tell your friends about it.
Don’t have the cash to donate?
Help the show by sharing/rating/liking or 5 star giving wherever you listen to or rate podcasts
Buy a cool shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com.
SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English

Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Black Clock Audio Tales CC: A Traveler in Time by August Derleth
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
BCAT 200August William Derleth (February 24, 1909 – July 4, 1971) was an American writer and anthologist. Though best remembered as the first book publisher of the writings of H. P. Lovecraft, and for his own contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos and the Cosmic Horror genre, as well as his founding of the publisher Arkham House (which did much to bring supernatural fiction into print in hardcover in the US that had only been readily available in the UK), Derleth was a leading American regional writer of his day, as well as prolific in several other genres, including historical fiction, poetry, detective fiction, science fiction, and biography.
A 1938 Guggenheim Fellow, Derleth considered his most serious work to be the ambitious Sac Prairie Saga, a series of fiction, historical fiction, poetry, and non-fiction naturalist works designed to memorialize life in the Wisconsin he knew. Derleth can also be considered a pioneering naturalist and conservationist in his writing.
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Check out Dave’s Corner of the Universe every Last Tuesday of the month part of our monthly Cthulhu Mythos and other weirdness episodes. Or go to his blog at davescorneroftheuniverse.wordpress.com/
Help support the show by buying a shirt from pgttcm.threadless.com , checking out the show’s march table at PGttCM.com, or donating a few dollars to paypal.me/pgttcm Special thanks to all my guests this month, if you want to be a guest on PGttCM or Black Clock due to your profession in the Academics, arts or literature, contact us at PGttCM.COM/contact
Black Clock Audio Tales is a daily podcast that reads you a story. Either a chapter of novel, or a whole short story.
Join us in our exploration of old ghost stories, supernatural fiction, horror tales, folk tales, fantasy, gothic horror, weird fiction, and cosmic horror. And dent forget to join us for our monthly show about the Cthulhu Mythos
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Check out People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos on the last Tuesday of the month.
Check out our new website over at WWW.PGttCM.com!
Edited by Daniel Spitzer
Music by Kevin McLeod
The Chamber, the voices
Produced at Badger’s Drift Studio Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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SEPT- #Brönte, Brönte, Brönte
OCT- #SpookyStories
NOV- Old English